Saturday, November 8, 2008

Look back at soaps and reality tv: part 2

I seem to get sick of some of the reality shows on tv. Specially the shows on a world famous music channel MTV, theres now a new roadies show that supposed to happen which is supposed to take people to australia. But even though the previous edition of the show is over, there are still nonsense shows like the older roadies contestants talkin about their experiences and fighting over some stale matter noone even cares about. Like wtf, MTV brags about being young and a youngistan crap. Why the hell would people bother about some old creepy affair of two local people. Im getting bored over the love story between Kareena and Saif. And what great are these roadies? Huh....hell...and i wont talk about splits villa..two gays..and some girls....

The other day i watched a clip from the show dadagiri on bindas channel. The female host slaps a male contestant and then right back, the guy hits her back!! Wow! This is definitely cool!..Something i've never seen on any Indian tv channels.

But i wonder what more controversy these channels can create to raise their TRP's. Better i'm sitting in front of my computer watching whatever content i like.

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